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레이블이 js인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2016년 7월 22일 금요일

How to check Developer tool window open


In my case,

I use check4.js

check1.js, check2.js code can't check developer tools open event.
check3.js code check using setInterval() function.

code use Object definedProperty() function on get() function.
console.log("%c hello", element)

When console.log called, element object call get() function.
And you can check developer tools open

Happy Coding!

2016년 2월 1일 월요일



This site test javascript performances.

About test example

Page like this.

If you click 'Run tests'

processing and return result to you.
like this.

Testing in Chrome 48.0.2564.97 32-bit on Windows NT 6.3 64-bit
if (s1 === s2) {}
if (s1 === s3) {}
if (s1 === s4) {}
if (s1 === s5) {}
126,211,632±1.51%89% slower
if (s1 == s2) {}
if (s1 == s3) {}
if (s1 == s4) {}
if (s1 == s5) {}
10,709,041±5.01%99% slower
if (s1 !== s2) {}
if (s1 !== s3) {}
if (s1 !== s4) {}
if (s1 !== s5) {}
if (s1 != s2) {}
if (s1 != s3) {}
if (s1 != s4) {}
if (s1 != s5) {}
=== on same type only
if (s1 === s3) {}
if (s1 === s5) {}
if (s1 === s3) {}
if (s1 === s5) {}
== on same type only
if (s1 == s3) {}
if (s1 == s5) {}
if (s1 == s3) {}
if (s1 == s5) {}
!== on same type only
if (s1 !== s3) {}
if (s1 !== s5) {}
if (s1 !== s3) {}
if (s1 !== s5) {}
!= on same type only
if (s1 != s3) {}
if (s1 != s5) {}
if (s1 != s3) {}
if (s1 != s5) {}

JIRA Plugin - ScriptRunner 소개 #2

관련 글 소개 #1:  https://pineoc.blogspot.com/2019/03/scriptrunner-1.html ScriptRunner 소개 #2 지난 글에서는 Behaviours를 보았고 다음 내용인 콘솔, 리스너 등을 ...