Cordova website:
Crosswalk website:
in my project, i use to make app have more performace, compatibility.
Crosswalk project advantages are
The Crosswalk Project Advantage:
- Get consistent, predictable behavior by reducing Android device fragmentation.
- Use the latest web innovations and APIs. Provide a feature rich experience on all Android 4.0+ devices.
- Easily debug with Chrome DevTools.
- Improve the performance of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
like that.
And I will use it in this time.
First, Install Cordova
$npm install cordova -g
(if you are not install npm, install nodejs or npm)
Second, Make Cordova app
$cordova create app com.pineoc.testapp app
$cordova platform add android
Third, Install Crosswalk plugin for Cordova
$cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
Fourth, run android
$cordova run android
Reference post benchmark about crosswalk:
*Crosswalk makes app good performance, but application dex size(apk file size)
bigger than not use crosswalk application.
left side info is "crosswalk + cordova"
right side info is "just cordova"
dex size added about 20MB
because of Crosswalk APIs, high performance rendering functions, Compatibility functions.
if not important about application size, use crosswalk for performance
but important about that, should be consider to use it.
Good coding day