2016년 7월 20일 수요일

CODEBEAT - Code Analyzer

HomePage: https://codebeat.co

This service get Feedback of your project code.

This service check clean code.

Start this service!

First, Login with GitHub.

And make account of CODEBEAT

Second, Public project setup
You can add public git repo.
(This service can analyze java, python, Go, swift project)

Exam project result at below.

book button on right side, you can see recommand docs.
For example, first of list "There is identical code 2 places"
book link: https://hub.codebeat.co/docs/software-quality-metrics#code-duplication
-> code duplication

You can see Ratings of all.

"load more..." button at last.

This service can help me make clean code.

Happy Coding!

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