레이블이 glSurfaceView인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 glSurfaceView인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2014년 7월 15일 화요일

cocos2d-x 3.1 with cocostudio ISSUE

this is my Question


I received answer


on page,

So you can refer to cocos2d-x/samples/Cpp/TestCpp/proj.android/src/org/cocos2dx/testcpp/TestCpp.java

and i go to


on code(AppActivity.java),

ckage org.cocos2dx.cpp_tests;

import org.cocos2dx.lib.Cocos2dxActivity;
import org.cocos2dx.lib.Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView;

public class AppActivity extends Cocos2dxActivity {
    public Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView onCreateView() {
        Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView glSurfaceView = new Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView(this);
        // TestCpp should create stencil buffer
        glSurfaceView.setEGLConfigChooser(5, 6, 5, 0, 16, 8);
        return glSurfaceView;

this code copy to my project folder android

add code

import org.cocos2dx.lib.Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView;

public Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView onCreateView() {
        Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView glSurfaceView = new Cocos2dxGLSurfaceView(this);
        // TestCpp should create stencil buffer
        glSurfaceView.setEGLConfigChooser(5, 6, 5, 0, 16, 8);
        return glSurfaceView;

and you will see that all okay

good for coding!

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